Mostrando postagens com marcador freshers week 2013. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador freshers week 2013. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2013

Living in the UK 7: Orientation Week

Hello guys, how are you doing??

I am doing really great over here, making new friends, have fun and lot of information on my Orientation Week!!

At University is happening many many different activities for all kind of tastes and aims, so if you don´t know what´s is going on, check here student union website or on your "welcome booklet"

(Oi gente, por aqui está indo tudo muito bem, estamos na semana de orientação/ boas vindas e tudo tem sido muito legal, temos diversos tipos de atividades e para todos os gostos também)

For this week we had already a night on a real british pub, with rock music live/DJ really nice (it´s behind the Chelmsford´s Cathedral):

(Fomos já à um Pub inglês, que toca rock, ao vivo ou com DJ, muito bom!)

We also attended to a tour for Chelmsford´s Cathedral, what was really nice, cos we had pizza over there and also learned a bit mroe about the history of the city and how to ring a bell as well, what was pretty cool stuff!

(Fizemos também um tour para a Catedral de Chelmsford, e lá comemos pizza e vimos como se toca o sino da igreja, o que foi um espetáculo a parte!!)

Yesterday we had the Facebook T-shirt party, which was really cool, everybody has a T-shirt where we could write messages, reminded me my old times at school, we had lot of fun!

(Ontem foi a Facebook party, e todos tínhamos camisetas, nas quais podíamos escrever, o que foi ótimo, me lembrou os tempos do colégio!)

Despite parties and tour, we also have so many intereting lectures to attend, so just check your Welcome guide.

For those who dosen´t know, today at 15:00 will have a Tea party and tomorrow at 13:45 iced skating, everything free and of course everyday a party from SU.

(Além das festas tem muitas palestras ocorrendo, e hoje as três tem chá e amanhã a 13:45 patinação no gelo! Participe!)

See you!