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Mostrando postagens com marcador international. Mostrar todas as postagens

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

Living in the UK 6: Primeiros dias/ First days

Hi everybody, how are you doing?

This post will be in english, cos I want to talk about the very first days here in Chelmsford.
(esse post será em inglês, vou contar sobre os 1os dias aqui)

We pretty much have 2 days of lectures to international students (not just brazilians, africans and europeans as well) and we  also had some time to socialize ourselves and of course unpack.
(Tivemos 2 dias de palestras, com orientações gerais p/ alunos estrangeiros, mas tbm já tivemos tempo p/ estarmos uns com os outros e nos divertir, além de desfazer as malas)

We are trying to get used with the british cuture, everything is pretty different. The first of lunch was pizza with chicken and potatos, really commom for them, really weird for was. Thanks God yesterday the University brought us to supermaket, so there we could find some food: rice, pasta, meat, bread and milk, so that will make some stuff easy.

(estamos em período de adaptação, tentando se acostumar. Tudo é diferente, no 1° dia almoçamos pizza, com frango e batata, bem comum p/ eles, mas estranho p/ nós. Ontem fomos no mercado, se pode encontrar quase tudo, arroz, carne, pão, leite, então assim as coisas ficam mais fáceis pois cozinhamos em casa).

Here the power is different (look the pic) and they recycle pretty much everything, including BRAS!! The drive hand is also a bit weird, we are trying to get used on the time to cross the streets.
(aqui as tomadas são distintas, fique atento na hora de vir, e eles também reciclam tudo, até chiclete e sutiã!!!! A mão das ruas também é diferente, então sempre temos que ter cuidado p/ cruzar).

They really like shop, so downtown was really busy today. Some stores like Primark (for clothes and house clothes) and Poundland (for house stuff, clean products and etc) are really cheap, and you can make good deals there with you are just moving around, since you need to buy some stuff to complete your house.
(Eles gostam de comprar, e hoje o centro estava cheio, se você precisa comprar coisas baratas p/ sua casa e roupas p/ o dia-a-dia Primark e Poundland são uma boa opção, você consegue comprar mais por menos!)

All the international students are really great, and we are making some friends overhere and learning with their culture as well, what is just so cool! Today we have a BBQ (hamburguer, sausage, pop corn and ice-cream) and we also have an atraction that we could enjoy, it was fun!
(todos os estrangeiros são ótimos. Hoje tivemos churrasco, com hamburguer, salsicha e pipoca [sim, pipoca] tinha também um pula-pula e a gente claro aproveitou p/ se divertir!)

That´s all guys, soon Ill make a different post about Tier 4 students. Be aware!
(é isso gente, logo um post sobre Tier 4, fiquem atentos!)
