Tonight is the bonfire night. On 05 Nov 1605 a man, called Guy Fawkes, tried to kill the King with explosives, on an event called Gunpowder Plot. This conspiration was against the protestants.
In the end Guy Fawkes was discoveres before really blow all away and kill the King and after that, every year, all England celebrate this night when the King hadn't died!
Families and actually the whole city make bonfires on backyards and parks and you also have fireworks show, what is pretty great.
Talking about Chelmsford, the celebration was on Sat, no special reason, just because during the week would be more difficult, in the park we didn't have a bonfire, for obvious reasons, nobody wants the trees and parks get burned, but the firewoks was such a great show! It was really cold night and after that the International Club from de Univeristy gave us a really nice mug of hot chocolate!!!
Look the pics and coment down there how was your bonfire night! =D
Don't forget to check it out wherever is going to be the celebration in your city!!! Enjoy it!
A noite da fogueira e celebrada na Inglaterra depois do 5 de
Novembro de 1605, quando um católico chamado Guy Fwakes, planejou assassinar o
Rei e todo o parlamento, no evento chamado, a conspiração da pólvora, que era
contra ao protestantismo. Felizmente, eles foram descobertos antes de explodir
metade de Londres, Fwakes for condenado e morto, assim como seus seguidores.
Todas as noites do dia de 05/11 famílias e muitas cidades no
Reino Unido celebram esse dia com fogos de artificio e fogueiras, comemorando a
não morte do Rei.
Aqui em Chelmsford a celebração foi no sábado, estava super
frio e após os fogos, que foram muito bonitos, fomos convidados a casa de um
dos membros do Clube Internacional da Universidade p/ um chocolate quente, o
que foi incrível!!
Se vocês quiserem saber mais sobre esse historia olhem nesse
link e não esqueçam de procurar onde será a celebração
See you guys