Hey guys,
I know today is Europe day, but this week I will open an exception to talk about the amazing and happiest 5k in the World: The Color Run
Seriously, was so nice, that I wish they would have at least twice a year editions! hahah
The Color run happened yesterday, on Wembley Park and had more of 19 thousand people and raised +35.000 pounds for NSPCC which is a association leading charity fighiting against child abuse!! (please donate!)
We can see below some of my best shots ( I was running, so they can be a little blurry - It was all about the fun) of the run and the festival afterwards. Also some videos!
You may share if you want, however, please keep the credits on the pictures and always relate to this blog and to the instragram account Sights_and_thoughts. All the pictures are mine, made with a GoPro Hero 4 - Silver and with a HTC - M7 one.
Oi Gente, eu sei que segunda e dia de europa, mas vou abrir uma excecao para falar dos 5k de corrida mais felizes do mundo: A Color Run, que aconteceu ontem no Wembley Park em Londres!
Eu corri, fiz o percurso em 35 minutos, pulei, dancei, e voltei pra casa parecendo um verdadeiro umpa-lumpa! haha mas foi muito legal! O dia estava lindo, o que ajudou muito, e todo mundo se divertiu. O festival depois foi bem legal tbm.
Vejam algumas fotos da corrida ( eu estava correndo, então elas estão um pouco em movimento ahha) e do festival, assim como vídeos. Voce pode compartilhar, desde que mantenha os créditos na foto e cite o blog e o instagram: sights_and_thoughts. As fotos e videos foram feitos com GoPro Hero 4 - Silver ou HTC one - M7.
35 min and 5 very happy and colourful km...The Festival
Christian Willians killing as DJ
That was it guys, I hope you enjoy the pics and video! Please share and comment below, and don't forget to look our Instagram right on the side! =D -->
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